Hills Sanctuary House

Shared Conversations on How We Think and Feel in Daily Life

Finding Sanctuary – Episode 5

Navigating Grief and Loss: A Conversation with Father Danny Nouh

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In this heartfelt and candid conversation, we sit down with Father Danny Nouh, a beloved figure in the community, to discuss the profound experiences of grief and loss. Father Danny’s unique perspective as a priest, family man, and leader provides valuable insights into how we can better support those who are grieving and how we can find strength and growth in the face of adversity. Join us as we explore the power of presence, the importance of listening, and the resilience that emerges from even the darkest moments.

Debbie: To kick things off, I’d like to introduce our special guest, Father Danny Nouh. Father Danny, you’ve been a cherished friend to many, and I’ve personally known you for a long time. We’ve not only worked together but have shared profound moments in our lives. Today, we’re delving into the topics of grief and loss, and I’m eager to draw from your experiences working with families during their periods of grief. Father Danny, thank you for joining us.

Father Danny: Thank you for having me, Debbie. It’s an honor and a privilege to be here. I believe the work you and your team are doing is invaluable and deserves broader recognition in our community. We’ll certainly promote it at St. Joseph’s so that more people can benefit from the stories and experiences you share.

Debbie: Thank you, Father Danny. Your support means a lot. Let’s dive into our conversation about grief and loss.

The Power of Presence

Debbie: Father Danny, I vividly remember your unexpected visit when I lost my father a couple of years ago. In the midst of my grief, your presence was immensely powerful. It grounded me, helped me reconnect with life, and brought moments of joy amidst the sadness. Can you share your thoughts on the significance of presence during times of grief?

Father Danny: Certainly, Debbie. Grief is a deeply personal journey, and everyone experiences it differently. Whether the grief is overwhelming or more manageable, the key is to meet people where they are. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Our presence and support play a vital role in helping individuals and families cope with grief. It’s about being there, offering comfort, and letting them know they’re not alone.

Debbie: Your words resonate deeply. Being there for someone, regardless of the form it takes, is paramount. It’s about creating an environment where they feel supported and understood.

Accompanying the Grieving

Debbie: You’ve mentioned the importance of accompanying those who are grieving. How can we effectively do that?

Father Danny: Grief is unique to each person, and our role is to accompany them on their journey. It involves listening to their needs and providing support accordingly. Sometimes it’s just about being present, whether through a phone call, video chat, or in-person visit. Accompanying is about walking alongside them as they navigate the emotional and mental aspects of their loss.

Debbie: So true. The path through grief is not linear, and it’s crucial to adapt our support based on individual needs. Your emphasis on accompanying resonates deeply.

Navigating Grief Amidst COVID-19

Debbie: In the past few years, we’ve all faced the immense challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. It affected us globally, and within our community, it presented unique difficulties. Can you share your experiences in dealing with grief during this challenging period?

Father Danny: COVID-19 brought both negative and positive experiences. While the challenges were evident, it also revealed the power of resilience and creativity. Families spent more time together, reinforcing the importance of connection. Even in isolation, we found ways to celebrate mass, pray, and support one another through technology.

Debbie: The pandemic forced us to find new ways to connect, even when physical presence was limited. Your example of how families and communities adapted is inspiring.

Strength Through Challenges

Debbie: Father Danny, I recall the controversy and pressure you faced during the pandemic, not only as a leader but as a father. You had to make difficult decisions for your family while dealing with a divisive community. Can you reflect on how you managed that challenging time?

Father Danny: It was undoubtedly a trying period, Debbie. Facing criticism and navigating family health issues was emotionally taxing. However, our faith and the support of our community helped us persevere. We grew stronger, learned to make better decisions, and focused on respecting others’ views, even if they differed from our own.

Debbie: Your resilience and commitment to your faith and community shine through in your response to these challenges. It’s a testament to the strength that can emerge from adversity.

Lessons from Grief

Debbie: As we conclude, Father Danny, what are the key takeaways you’ve learned in dealing with grief, especially in light of your experiences during the pandemic?

Father Danny: Presence, listening, and accompaniment are vital. Each person’s grief is unique, and it’s crucial to be adaptable and empathetic. Even in the darkest moments, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, represented by the love of Jesus.

Debbie: Your insights are invaluable, Father Danny. The power of being present, listening, and accompanying others on their journey through grief is a message that resonates deeply.

Closing Thoughts

Debbie: I want to express my gratitude, Father Danny, for your openness and vulnerability in sharing your experiences. Our conversation reminds us that we are all human, and we experience a full range of emotions. Your example as a family man and leader navigating grief is powerful and relatable. It’s essential to share these experiences to support one another and learn from them.

Father Danny: Thank you, Debbie. I believe that sharing our experiences and supporting each other in times of grief is how we grow and find strength. We are all on different journeys, but through sharing, we learn and become better people.

Debbie: Indeed, Father Danny. Your words resonate with our mission to create a sanctuary for those seeking support and understanding. Thank you for being part of this conversation.


In this heartfelt conversation, Father Danny Nouh shares his insights into navigating grief and loss. His experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the importance of presence, adaptability, and resilience in times of adversity. Father Danny’s commitment to his faith and community serves as a powerful reminder that, even in our darkest moments, we can find strength and support through connection and empathy. This conversation reminds us that we are all human, and by sharing our experiences, we can help one another grow and heal.

#grief #loss #tribulation #covid #churchclosure #stigma #cancelledwedding #funeralduringcovid #tragedy

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Finding Sanctuary is your dose of insight into how we think and feel through the power sharing of our experiences. We get together with experts to chat about all things mental health, getting insights and understanding on the why’s we do what we do. Our hope is that through these shared discussions, we will be able to normalise stigmas and support each other in hope of a better tomorrow.


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