Hills Sanctuary House

Shared Conversations on How We Think and Feel in Daily Life

Finding Sanctuary Episode 3

Unravelling the Threads: Navigating Barriers and Boundaries in a Close-Knit Community

Debbie Draybi,  Monsignor Shora and Natalie Moujalli  share a conversation around community dynamics, human behaviour and social psychology. They delve into the intricate dynamics of close-knit communities, investigating how despite being interconnected, there are notable barriers that disconnect individuals within the community. The discussion focuses on four key aspects that play a crucial role in shaping these barriers: roles, stigma, status, and judgment.

Community dynamics play a crucial role in shaping our interactions and relationships. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of understanding the dynamics within a community, from both communal and individualistic perspectives. By grasping the values, strengths, and challenges that arise, we can enhance the overall health of the community, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Let’s delve into the realm of social psychology, which lays the foundation for comprehending others’ behaviors, while also examining automatic judgments, assumptions, and labels that can disconnect us. Ultimately, fostering self-compassion and empathy will lead to more harmonious and connected communities.

Understanding Community Dynamics

Community dynamics refer to the intricate patterns of interaction and communication within a group. It is vital to comprehend these dynamics because they influence the overall well-being of the community. Emphasizing both communal and individualistic aspects allows us to strike a balance, promoting a sense of togetherness while acknowledging each person’s unique identity and strengths.

The Power of Projection

A key aspect of understanding others’ behaviors lies in recognizing our own. Automatic judgments are inherent, but they can sometimes lead us astray. By reversing assumptions and assuming positive intentions in others, we pave the way for more meaningful and authentic connections. Often, we project our emotions and self-criticisms onto others, creating unnecessary barriers. By being aware of these projections, we can foster healthier relationships within our community.

Practicing Self-Compassion

While understanding others is crucial, understanding ourselves is equally important. Self-criticism can hinder personal growth and negatively impact our interactions with others. Instead, embracing self-compassion allows us to treat ourselves with kindness and understanding. By extending compassion to ourselves, we can cultivate a more supportive and empathetic community.

Compassion for Others

Compassion for others begins with developing self-compassion. When we are kinder to ourselves, we naturally become more understanding and empathetic towards those around us. This empathy forms the foundation for strong communal bonds, encouraging a culture of support and care.

The Power of Labels

Labels are powerful tools that influence our sense of self and identity. However, they can also create divisions within a community. By being aware of the impact of labels, we can foster a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and accepted for who they are.

Enhancing Community Health

Understanding the values, strengths, and challenges within the community is pivotal for effective project planning aimed at enhancing community health holistically. Mental, spiritual, and physical well-being are interconnected, and addressing all these aspects collectively will lead to a thriving community.


In conclusion, community dynamics are a complex web of interactions that require careful understanding and consideration. By recognizing the importance of both communal and individualistic perspectives, we can create a balanced and supportive environment. Social psychology provides valuable insights into understanding others’ behaviors, paving the way for meaningful connections. By being mindful of automatic judgments, reversing assumptions, and embracing self-compassion, we break down barriers and strengthen community bonds. Remember, compassion for others starts with self-compassion. By fostering a culture of empathy and inclusivity, we can build a stronger, more connected community where everyone feels valued and supported. Let us embark on this journey together, hand in hand, to create a brighter and more compassionate future for our community.

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About US

Finding Sanctuary is your dose of insight into how we think and feel through the power sharing of our experiences. We get together with experts to chat about all things mental health, getting insights and understanding on the why’s we do what we do. Our hope is that through these shared discussions, we will be able to normalise stigmas and support each other in hope of a better tomorrow.


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